Channel 4 has commissioned Blink Film's "Best of British By The Sea."“There are so many great treats to be found around the British coast," Dan Chambers, Creative Director Blink Films said. "After watching this series, you just won’t want to holiday anywhere else."
The deal was signed by Deborah Dunnett with Katherine Marlow, C4’s Branded Entertainment Controller and brokered by Eleanor Cable at The 7 Stars Agency. Martha Swales is the Series Producer, and Will Knott and Dan Chambers are Executive Producers for Blink Films. The series is being distributed by Beyond Rights. “We are delighted to be working with Grace, Ainsley, Blink Films and Channel 4 on what we know is going to be a really feel-good series," Paul Evans, Vice President of Portfolio at Awaze, said. "The staycation has never been more popular and it’s great to be doing our bit to help showcase some of the amazing places that are out there to be discovered and experienced along our fantastic shores.”
The new five-part series will showcase Ainsley Harriott and Grace Dent as they explore some of the best seaside holiday destinations – and dishes - the British Isles have to offer. Each episode will follow Grace and Ainsley as they stay in a self-catering property where they cook for each other using their favorite produce, and a hotel where they meet the owners and chefs while soaking up the unique ambience of each gorgeous establishment.
Grace and Ainsley will take in the delights of South Devon, the Isle of Wight, Carmarthenshire, Aberdeenshire and Norwich and Great Yarmouth. The series is made in partnership with the UK’s leading self-catering accommodation specialist, Hoseasons. Secondary sponsorship for Norwich and Great Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, Carmarthenshire, and Aberdeenshire is being provided by their respective tourist boards, county and borough councils and associated funding projects.