The animated series was one of 12 shows presented during the Cartoon Carnival of Summer Vacation. It premiered on CCTV in December 2019 and has since then been broadcasted twice.

13 NOV 2020

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Cyber Group's animated series "Gigantosaurus" On 26th July 2020, CCTV Children’s Channel and ten other animation companies hosted virtual live show, Cartoon Carnival of Summer Vacation, to celebrate wonderful animation in China. “We are thrilled that Gigantosaurus has been top-rated on both CCTV and Youku and that it has been one of the most prolific recent launches of an international kids’ series in China,”  Pierre Sissmann, Chairman and CEO of Cyber Group Studios, and Richard Goldsmith, President of Cyber Group Studios USA LLC.

There was a total of 12 animated series presented during the show. Pacific Media Group participated as the exclusive distributor  for the show in China and introduced its team in Beijing working on video editing, graphic design, and voice recording. For the “My Favorite Cartoon” category, the show won first place with 26.4 % of viewers’ votes. CCTV recognized the achievement by rebroadcasting Gigantosaurus on CCTV’s official app on 23rd August. 

"Gigantosaurus" is produced by Cyber Group, but Pacific Media Group manages the brand in China. It successful first season on Disney Junior and other major platforms led to Disney and France Televisions have commissioned Seasons two and three, which will premiere in 2021 worldwide. “Gigantosaurus was produced with very high standards. Not only does the series educate children about the prehistoric world and stimulate their interests in dinosaurs, but it also teaches them valuable qualities such as friendship, unity, and independence,” said Grace Hung, the President of Pacific Media Group.

The show premiered in China on CCTV in December 2019. Since its premiere, the preschool animated series has received an overwhelmingly positive reponse. It has now been rebroadcasted twice on CCTV, in March and May 2020, and also having been featured on CCTV’s annual New Year’s television special. It also ranked at the top of several of Youku’s animation lists.

"Gigantosaurus" also has an exclusive video-on-demand agreement with leading platform Youku. “We have many exciting plans for the brand that will be announced in the coming months with our partner, Pacific Media Group,” Sissmann added.