Proietto will oversee all animated series that derive from the new TV animation production studio. The creation of the unit resulted from a larger restructuring plan crafted by the conglomerate.

31 MAR 2021

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Disney recently launched its 20th Television animation production unit led by longtime animation exec Marci Proietto. “This is truly a boom time in adult animation and I’m excited to continue to build on the leadership of this studio with this new production unit laser-focused on growing our roster of successful animated series,"  Proietto said.

The move follows a similar decision by Walt Disney Television last month to spin off alternative series into a separate production unit led by ABC’s Rob Mills. The creation of the division results from a large restructuring plan carried out by the company. "I love what we get to do and I am grateful to Craig and Dana Walden for this vote of confidence,” Proietto said

Proietto will serve as executive vice president of 20th Television Animation, overseeing all animated series, including the studio’s 11 current series and other projects in development. She will report to Walt Disney Television’s President of entertainment, Craig Hunegs. “Marci has been a part of all of these phenomenal successes,” Hunegs said in a statement.  “She is an extraordinary executive who is much beloved and respected by our creators and her studio team. And knowing Marci’s relentless passion, we’re just getting started.”

Proietto joined 20th right out of college, beginning as the assistant to the head of production and working her way up through the ranks. She joined The Simpsons in its sixth season and has worked on every animated property the studio has made since, including “King of the Hill,” “Futurama,” “Family Guy,” “American Dad” and more. In total, she has had her hands on more than 2,440 episodes of 22 series in her 29 years with 20th. “I love what we get to do and I am grateful to Craig and Dana Walden for this vote of confidence,”  said Proietto. “This is truly a boom time in adult animation and I’m excited to continue to build on the leadership of this studio with this new production unit laser-focused on growing our roster of successful animated series.”



Marci has been a part of all of these phenomenal successes. She is an extraordinary executive who is much beloved and respected by our creators and her studio team. And knowing Marci’s relentless passion, we’re just getting started.” Craig Hunegs President of Entertainment, Walt Disney Television

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