The new South African kids’ show is set to debut on Disney JR, Disney+, and France Televisions. The show was produced by eOne, Triggerfish and Frog Box, in partnership with Disney Junior and France Télévisions.

26 FEB 2021

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 Entertainment One has greenlit the new preschool series “Kiya,” set to launch in multiple markets worldwide in 2023. The show will debut across multiple formats on Disney JR, Disney+, and France Televisions. “We are so happy to partner with the fantastic teams at eOne, Frog Box, TeamTo, Disney, and France Televisions, to bring Kiya’s adventures to the playrooms of families worldwide,” Stuart Forrest, CEO of Triggerfish, said. “It was especially important for us to partner with eOne, who promote inclusive characters and storytelling from various cultures, including ours, as part of their global programming.”

The characters for Kiya were created by Kelly Dillon and Marc Dey, then developed for television by Robert Vargas.  Produced by eOne, Triggerfish and Frog Box, in partnership with Disney Junior and France Télévisions, the series is based on an original concept from South African-based production company Triggerfish and developed for Television by Frog Box and eOne. The production features a diverse creative team, including writers, designers, and composers from across Africa as well as France, the US, and the UK.

The show’s target audience is kids ages 3-6 years old. eOne plans to also deliver the series to audiences across other content platforms and formats including YouTube, Music, Apps, and Audio with merchandising across the toy and key consumer product categories to follow.“Together with Triggerfish and the winning production teams behind preschool hit shows PJ Masks and Ricky Zoom at Frog Box and TeamTo, we’re thrilled to bring audiences 52 relatable and inspiring episodes in partnership with our world-class partners Disney and France Télévisions,”  said eOne’s Olivier Dumont, President, Family Brands.

The 52 11-minute episodes showcase the life of Kiya, a 7-year-old African girl, whose passions in life are dancing and martial arts. When Kiya and her two best friends put their magical crystal headbands on, they transform into superheroes who put their minds to saving the town.  “We’re so excited to go on this adventure with Kiya and are focused on creating an environment where friendship, courage, and bravery come to life, all with a healthy dose of music and dance,” Dumont said.


We are so happy to partner with the fantastic teams at eOne, Frog Box, TeamTo, Disney, and France Televisions, to bring Kiya’s adventures to the playrooms of families worldwide. It was especially important for us to partner with eOne, who promote inclusive characters and storytelling from various cultures, including ours, as part of their global programming.” Stuart Forrest CEO, Triggerfish