Bucharest court made its final ruling and the channel’s series named “Fructul Oprit” (Original Sin), which was copied from “Aşk-ı Memnu” without permission, has been ceased of the delivery to the public in all platforms.

5 FEB 2020

"Forbidden Love"

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The legal case between “Aşk-ı Memnu” (Forbidden Love) screenwriters Ece Yörenç and Melek Gençoğlu, and Romanian TV channel Antena 1, has finally concluded. Bucharest court made its final ruling and the channel’s series named “Fructul Oprit” (Original Sin), which was copied from “Aşk-ı Memnu” without permission, has been ceased of the delivery to the public in all platforms.

Ece Yörenç and Melek Gençoğlu had filed a lawsuit against Romania’s famous TV channel Antena 1 last year. The claim was that the TV series “Fructul Oprit” the channel aired was copied from “Aşk-ı Memnu”. The complaint has been evaluated by the court of appeals.

“It has been decided that the TV series ‘Fructul Oprit,’ which is owned by Antena TV Group SA, shall be taken off the air and access to its broadcast by the users shall be blocked and also that any transmission of the show to the public via free TV, pay TV, AntenaPlay platform, internet web pages, or other online platforms or in any other way, either in Romanian language or any other language, in Romania or abroad, shall be ceased. Furthermore, it has been decided that the defendant shall be prevented from selling, licensing, renting, lending the broadcast, production and management rights that it owns over ‘Fructrul Oprit’ television show in favour of third parties for or without a fee, or from applying to other transmission methods,”  said the court.