The second season of Fremantle’s Italian-language drama “My Brilliant Friend: The Story of a New Name” will reach an audience of 250 million after the company sealed a deal with China’s three leading platforms. The launch of the second season was organized following the popularity of Season 1 amongst audiences via iQIYI, Youku (Alibaba) and Tencent Video, marking it the first time that a non-English language European drama has sold to all three platforms simultaneously.
Based on the second book of Elena Ferrante’s bestselling series and published in the U.S. by Europa Editions, "My Brilliant Friend: The Story of a New Name" recently launched on Italy’s Rai 1 and was ranked as the nation’s highest-rated drama in almost a year, as well as a successful launch on HBO in the US. “Ferrante’s masterful story has been enjoyed by Chinese readers for years. The first season was a huge hit for audiences across the country and it is clear that the genuineness and delicacy of the friendship between the two female characters resonate with millions across borders,” said Haryaty Rahman, SVP, Distribution Asia, International, Fremantle.“The fact that the series has sold to the biggest platforms in the region at the same time non-exclusively is a testament to its popularity and the growing appetite for globally-renowned drama.”
“My Brilliant Friend: The Story of a New Name” is an HBO and RAI FICTION series, produced by Lorenzo Mieli and Mario Gianani from Fremantle’s “The Apartment and Wildside” and by Domenico Procacci for Fandango, in collaboration with RAI FICTION and HBO Entertainment, in co-production with Mowe and Umedia. The series is directed by Saverio Costanzo (“Private,” “The Solitude of Prime Numbers,” “Hungry Hearts” who directs 6 episodes and Alice Rohrwacher (“Happy as Lazzaro,” “Le Meraviglie”) who directs 2 episodes. Story and screenplays by Elena Ferrante, Francesco Piccolo, Laura Paolucci, and Saverio Costanzo. Paolo Sorrentino and Jennifer Schuur are the executive producers. Fremantle is the international distributor in association with Rai Com.
Ferrante’s masterful story has been enjoyed by Chinese readers for years. The first season was a huge hit for audiences across the country and it is clear that the genuineness and delicacy of the friendship between the two female characters resonate with millions across borders. The fact that the series has sold to the biggest platforms in the region at the same time non-exclusively is a testament to its popularity and the growing appetite for globally-renowned drama.” Haryaty Rahman SVP of Distribution Asia, International, Fremantle