The indian distributor picked up the action russian series “Paper Pusher” and “The Policeman’s Wife”. This deal will allow to NTV Broadcasting expand its presence in the rapidly developing South Asia territorie.

11 OCT 2019

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The indian distributor GoQuest Media bought global rights for two of NTV’s action-packed TV shows: “Paper Pusher” and “The Policeman’s Wife”. “This deal will help expanding NTV’s presence in the rapidly developing South Asia. VoD viewers are already familiar with other NTV series as ‘Schubert’, available on Bilibili, the largest Chinese digital platform, and ‘The Road to Calvary’ offered by Netflix. Our regions often have similar content preferences. NTV has recently acquired the rights to adapt three Korean projects, and now the buyers from that part of the world are purchasing NTV’s original content,” says Timur Weinstein, NTV General Producer.

“Everyone loves crime dramas. ‘Paper Pusher’ and ‘The Policeman’s Wife’ by NTV are quality projects that are expected to generate high interest among our audience. The content from Eastern Europe and Russia is gaining steam, so we are happy to include those new shows in our offer,” commented Jimmy George, GoQuest Vice President Sales & Acquisitions.

“Paper Pusher” tells a story of the Major Andrey Vershinin, who works at the police archives. He is your typical pen pusher unsure how to use his gun, but always a quick thinker and a sharp observer. The first season got 17.2 % viewing share among the 18+ audience. The new TV season will see the project continued. 

The main character of the action packed crime drama “The Policeman’s Wife” discovers that her husband is a dirty cop. Although she seems fragile at first, the woman has to use her strength to protect her family and her husband. The viewership share of the show during the run reached 14 %.

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