Method Animation, Mediawan Group, and Palomar entered a collaboration to "re-invent" "The Three Musketeers." "We are delighted to join forces once again with our historical partners, three major public broadcasters and Palomar, to introduce The Three Musketeers to a new generation of kids," Julien Borde, Director of the Television Division of Mediawan Kids & Family said. "Reinventing classic properties, with the ambition to show masterpieces to new generations, is at the core of Method Animation's DNA. This unique take of Alexandre Dumas' masterpiece, with for the first time girl Musketeers, will offer girls and boys new models of representation far from stereotypes."
Supported by their historical partners, ZDF (co-producer), RAI and France Télévisions who will broadcast the series on their respective territories, Method Animation and Palomar are eager to transform the trial and propose a new strong European production. The new "Three Muskateers" project follows the companies' joint 2019 project, "The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio," which broadcast in more than 150 countries.
An Alexandre Dumas adaptation, the 52-part creation will be targeted at children between the ages of 5 and 8. A special feature of this adaptation is that the series will introduce girl Musketeers, including a certain Charlotte d'Artagnan. The series will be distributed worldwide by Mediawan Kids & Family.
“Following the positive experience of co-producing Palomar’s first animated show, 'The Enchanted Village of Pinocchio,' an adaptation of Italy’s most beloved character – we are excited to reaffirm the partnership with Method Animation on a fresh reboot of a further worldwide masterpiece, The 3 Musketeers," says Palomar’s CEO Nicola Serra. "We are proud of the renewed confidence over this new project by all broadcasters involved and we can’t wait to show the Musketeers as never seen before: female, disguised, but above all… kids.”