"The Left-Handed Son," an original production by Movistar Plus+ in collaboration with Atípica Films and created and co-directed by Rafael Cobos, will premiere on April 5th on CANAL+ France. The miniseries, comprised of six thirty-minute episodes, will be available in its entirety on-demand on the French platform from that day.
The miniseries achieved a significant milestone by being recognized as Best Miniseries at the Canneseries 2023 festival. Additionally, at the PRODU awards for the audiovisual industry, which seek to recognize excellence in Latin and Spanish production, it won in the categories of Best Miniseries, Best Leading Actress in a Series and Dramatic Miniseries for María León, and Best Musical Composer for Julio de la Rosa.
Based on the novel of the same name by Rosario Izquierdo and starring María León, the production explores the complex relationship between a mother and her son, the unexpected friendship between two women from very different worlds, and the pursuit of a second chance.
As an additional note, it's worth mentioning that the original soundtrack plays an important role in the production. To create it, Rafael Cobos collaborated with Julio de la Rosa and artists such as Bronquio, Nita, Rocío Márquez, and Dalila. The soundtrack adds another narrative layer to the story and imbues the miniseries with a rhythm and tone that serve as a statement of the author's intentions.