The international thriller series "The Head" is the next original production from NENT Group, the Nordic region's leading streaming company. The visually stunning six-part series is produced by The Mediapro Studio in association with HBO Asia and Hulu Japan and brings together top creative talents from around the world. The series will premiere exclusively across the Nordic region on NENT Group's Viaplay streaming service in autumn 2020.
Winter has fallen on the South Pole, where the sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their climate change research, led by renowned biologist Arthur Wilde. But when summer commander Johan Berg returns, he finds the group’s members either dead or missing. A killer is on the loose and Johan’s wife Annika has vanished. To find her alive, he must trust Maggie, a young doctor who is the team’s sole survivor – or is she?
"The Head" features an international cast headlined by John Lynch (‘The Terror’), Katharine O’Donnelly (‘Mary Queen of Scots’), Alexandre Willaume (NENT Group’s ‘Hidden’) and Amelia Hoy (‘Killing Eve’), along with Álvaro Morte (‘Money Heist’), Hannes Fohlin (‘The Restaurant’), Richard Sammel (‘Casino Royale’) and Japanese popstar Tomohisa Yamashita.
The English- and Danish-language series is directed by Jorge Dorado (‘The Pier’) and written by Àlex and David Pastor (‘Carriers’) along with Isaac Sastre (‘Al filo de la ley’). Filming took place in Tenerife and Iceland.
Filippa Wallestam, NENT Group Chief Content Officer: “This ambitious, atmospheric tale from the frozen Antarctic night blends Nordic noir with John Carpenter’s classic horror flick ‘The Thing’ to create a unique streaming experience. The extensive long shots inside a 2,000 square metre set totally immerse the viewer in this nerve-wracking mystery set in the Earth’s most inhospitable place. NENT Group’s content partnerships are truly global and ‘The Head’ is at the heart of our Viaplay slate this year.”
Laura Fernández Espeso, The Mediapro Studio Corporate and TV Director: “We are very proud to premiere ‘The Head’ on NENT Group’s Viaplay streaming service. It is a powerful, fast-paced story for global audiences, developed by a talented team and a brilliant cast of international actors. We hope ‘The Head’ will captivate NENT Group’s viewers as well as audiences around the world.”