"Double Booking" is a mystery drama scripted format which takes place entirely on a computer screen and "Piggyback Challenge" is an unscripted game show format where partners ride piggyback trying to accomplish various challenging tasks.

14 SEP 2020

"Double Booking"

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Japan’s leading powerhouse Nippon TV has announced two new formats to meet the new demands of the international marketplace with a focus and enhancement of production values.

First up is "Double Booking" (60 min. eps.), a mystery drama scripted format which takes place entirely on a computer screen and the other one is "Piggyback Challenge" (30-60 min. eps.), an unscripted game show format where partners ride piggyback trying to accomplish various challenging tasks.

“We are proud to be announcing these two new formats during these unfortunate times for everyone,” commented Atsushi Sogo, President of International Business Development for Nippon. “'Double Booking' was produced and aired/streamed amidst the pandemic this summer when production was very restricted and limited. Almost all the scenes were shot entirely in the remote with all the actors in different studios, taking the utmost precautions. Challenging ourselves to take it a notch higher, this show is unique as everything happens on a computer screen. An online date becomes a highly engaging drama. It is perfect for today’s new style of drama production and sure to catch viewers’ eyes who would have had similar experiences this year.”

Added Sogo, Our gameshow formats have been gaining a lot of attention with recent deals such as 'Block Out', 'Red Carpet Survival', and 'Sokkuri Sweets', and we are happy to launch a new gameshow, 'Piggyback Challenge'.  It has a great track record on our prime-time entertainment slot, with celebrities piggybacking their partners and competing with other couples. It is a sight you have never seen and fills in the gaps in our hearts to affirm strong bonds with one’s dearest partner, especially during these days of social distancing.”


In "Double Booking", everything takes place entirely on a computer screen, providing a look and feel never seen before. The worst possible scenario for a date begins to unfold in ways one would never imagine: the story of fooling and being fooled among one man who made a mistake of double booking a date with two different women while on his computer screen. And just when you think this is a frantic love comedy, an unexpected twist in the final three minutes sets the stage for some unexpected suspense.

In "Piggyback Challenge", couples compete against other pairs while piggybacking their partner as they clear the given tasks such as shopping, jogging, or dining within a time limit, in pursuit of their dream prize.

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