Nova signed an exclusive “first-run” deal with Studiocanal. Under this deal, Nova has acquired the first-run rights for several high-end Studiocanal television series on a basis for Greece and Cyprus.“We are delighted with our new partnership with Studiocanal, one of the greatest content companies in the world,” Katerina Kaskanioti, Forthnet’s Pay TV Executive Director said. “The agreement will bring to our platform exquisite tv-series is driven by AAA talent and will further strengthen our premium content by adding even more value and diversity to our portfolio. StudioCanal's tv series deliver the stellar standards that our audience has on European tv-series and we are confident that they will fully meet their high expectations and standards."
The agreement also serves as a demand for rights for the distribution of content on the big screen, along with as simultaneous viewing on laptops, tablets, and smartphones through the Nova Go service, allowing Nova subscribers to watch the programming at any time. “We are extremely pleased that our series has found a place on such a strong platform that is committed to bringing the most premium European dramas to Greek audiences,” Beatriz Campos, Head of International Sales TV series at Studiocanal said. “We are confident that the power of these productions combined with the support of a great partner like Nova will translate into very successful ratings.”
Studiocanal is actively developing and distributing high-end TV series through its network of award-winning European production companies and partners. The deal surrounds 2020 the tv series "Zerozerozero," starring Gabriel Byrne based on the book of the same name by Roberto Saviano (“Gomorrah”), which premiered at last year’s Venice Film Festival. It also reflects the social mini-series “Years and Years,” a co-production Red Production company starring Emma Thompson and Rory Kinnear, BBC ONE and HBO. Other titles included are “Shadowplay”, produced by Tandem Productions, and BRON Studios in co-production with the German ZDF, which depicts Berlin in 1946, in the aftermath of World War II starring Taylor Kitsch and Sebastian Koch, psychological thriller, “Possessions,” produced by Haut et Court TV and Quiddity directed by Thomas Vincent, and the mini-series “On Death Row” produced by Movistar + in collaboration with Bambu Producciones, based on true events.
We are delighted with our new partnership with Studiocanal, one of the greatest content companies in the world. The agreement will bring to our platform exquisite tv-series is driven by AAA talent and will further strengthen our premium content by adding even more value and diversity to our portfolio. StudioCanal's tv series deliver the stellar standards that our audience has on European tv-series and we are confident that they will fully meet their high expectations and standards.” Katerina Kaskanioti Forthnet’s Pay TV Executive Director