Genius Brands International, Inc. has announced that Kartoon Channel!, animated children’s series, “Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten,” garnered over two million views following the 23rd April double-episode debut during the weekend. “Typically, a new children’s series launch takes time to gain traction among audiences; however, we have been blown away by the extraordinary and immediate viewership and positive feedback with over two million views in just the first weekend," Chairman & CEO of Genius Brands Andy Heyward said. "This breaks every record for us on the channel and goes beyond our wildest expectation for the series weekend debut."
“Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten” is one of the last creations from the genius mind of the late Stan Lee, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is also an Executive Producer on the series. Schwarzenegger will make an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" as part of Genius Brands’ ongoing comprehensive marketing campaign for the show in all divisions, including advertising, television appearances, social media, traditional PR, and influencers to solidify the successful launch. Additionally, a global consumer products retail program is in development and Genius Brands is in negotiations with best-in-class licensing partners. “‘Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten’ is near and dear to my heart. What an honor it was to collaborate with Stan on the creation of the series, and I am absolutely thrilled that our new series has resonated so strongly with audiences right out of the gate. Stay tuned for more adventure and comedy as new episodes debut every Friday on Kartoon Channel,” Schwarzenegger said.
The series includes 26 half-hour long episodes for season one that begins with a two-episode double feature and will be rolled out every week thereafter, every Friday. Viewers can enjoy Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten by downloading the free Kartoon Channel! app on Apple and Android devices; on Amazon Prime, on connected TVs and devices by Samsung, LG, Roku, Tubi, Amazon Fire Stick, and more. “That’s Kartoon with a “K” says Schwarzenegger!” “The show is full of winks at the camera and gems, which adults will devour as much as kids,” Heyward said.“We know young audiences and their parents will continue to discover this special series in the months and years to come.”
Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten sees Schwarzenegger voice-directed by John Landis, one of the most successful movie directors of all time, with Steven Banks, former head writer for SpongeBob SquarePants, serving as head writer for the series. The series is produced by Genius Brands and Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment in association with Schwarzenegger’s Oak Productions. Gill Champion, CEO of Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment; Andy Heyward, Chairman & CEO of Genius Brands; Schwarzenegger; and Paul Wachter of Main Street Advisors serve as executive producers.
"Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten" is targeted at children and their families to teach toddlers about funamental academic concepts such as the ABCs. When the show began, Arnold Armstrong faced off in a final fight against his nemesis, the evil Dr. Superior, that left him powerless.Now, a group of kindergarten students at Greenville Elementary School who, with the help of Arnold Armstrong, learn to control their powers as they go on super adventures.
Typically, a new children’s series launch takes time to gain traction among audiences; however, we have been blown away by the extraordinary and immediate viewership and positive feedback with over two million views in just the first weekend. This breaks every record for us on the channel and goes beyond our wildest expectation for the series weekend debut. ” Andy Heyward Chairman & CEO, Genius Brands