WarnerMedia Kids & Family recently greenlighted a new version of "Degrassi" for HBO Max, created by Wildbrain. The show is expected to launch in the US exclusively on HBO Max in 2023. "Now in its fourth decade, Degrassi is one of those beloved evergreen properties that demands to be refreshed for each new generation," Josh Scherba, President of WildBrain, said.
The teen and family series with the same name as the classic youth franchise, which originally debuted in 2001, was produced by Wildbrain and helmed by showrunners Lara Azzopardi and Julia Cohen."Stephanie Betts, our Chief Content Officer, along with showrunners, Lara Azzopardi and Julia Cohen, have envisioned an evolution for Degrassi that, while staying true to the fundamental honesty, humanity and integrity of the brand, promises fans a journey into exciting new territory, both creatively and dramatically," Scherba continued. "We’re delighted to be partnering with HBO Max to deliver this new vision to fans and extend Degrassi’s legacy.”
Degrassi will be produced by WildBrain Studios and developed by Azzopardi and Cohen who also serve as executive producers. Filming will take place in Toronto during summer 2022. The series and Degrassi library are distributed worldwide by WildBrain. The new version will include 10 hour-long episodes. Additionally, HBO Max has picked up the U.S. rights for the entire 14-season library of Degrassi: The Next Generation, considered the franchise’s longest running and most popular installment. The show will become available on the platform this spring, and later on in Cartoon Network.
Set in Toronto, the new series will follow a theme of self-discovery as it explores a group of teenagers and school faculty living in the shadow of events that both bind them together and tear them apart. The show travels deep into the hearts and homes of diverse, complicated characters, as they struggle to find their new normal, reaching for hope, redemption and love. “Series after series, the Degrassi franchise continues to make an indelible impact on young viewers looking for trustworthy and authentic storytelling,” said Amy Friedman, Head of Kids & Family Programming, Warner Bros. “WildBrain continues to artfully capture high school life in a compelling format that can be experienced seamlessly on HBO Max.”