10 JAN 2023

Nielsen launches streaming content ratings platform in Indonesia

The platform will specialize in cross-media measurement and offer insights on the platforms and channels streamed through mobile devices and broadcast through linear TV ratings in the country.

10 JAN 2023

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Nielsen recently launched its cross-media video audience measurement platform for linear TV and mobile streaming, Nielsen Streaming Content Ratings in Indonesia. The platform will help meet the data needs of the Indonesian market.“Now more than ever, it’s important for our clients to have a clear understanding of the streaming landscape, particularly a view of audience consumption that takes into account the total use of streaming platforms comparable to linear TV," Nielsen Indonesia Executive Director Hellen Katherina said. 

Streaming Content Ratings provides insights on the platforms and channels streamed through mobile devices and broadcast through linear TV ratings, including audience reach, time spent, and demographic profiles."Nielsen Streaming Content Ratings does just that- providing a  comprehensive view of streaming consumption and advanced audience demographics," Katherina said. "It will help industry stakeholders in making strategic decisions in  buying, selling or investing in cross media.” 

According to a recent Nielsen Consumer & Media View Q3 2022 Indonesian report, TV and internet are the two types of media with the highest reach where TV still dominates with 81.1% and the internet has experienced significant growth reaching 76.7%. As of the third quarter of 2022, TV users are still dominated by 40-49 year olds (18%) and 50+ (23%), while digital is still dominated by 10-19 (22%) and 20-29 (26%) year olds, requiring a boost in reliable measurement for streaming. 

Streaming Content Ratings can help broadcasters make informed programming and content distribution decisions to reach key demographics, helps users receive an idea of how to go against its competitors, and helps advertisers identify its target audience. "Streaming Content Ratings will look at who, where, and how the current streaming audience can provide precise measurements for programs viewed through top streaming platforms by bringing multiple fragments together into a single source,” she explained.

Now more than ever, it’s important for our clients to have a clear understanding of the streaming landscape, particularly a view of audience consumption that takes into account the total use of streaming platforms comparable to linear TV.” Hellen Katherina Indonesia Executive Director, Nielsen

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