7 APR 2020


NATPE Budapest International is going to take place from August 25th through 27th, 2020; and NATPE Streaming Plus is going to be celebrated on September 15, 2020, as a result of Covid-19.

7 APR 2020

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The National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) announced the rescheduling of NATPE Budapest International to August 25th through 27th, 2020; and NATPE Streaming Plus to September 15, 2020 as a result of Covid-19.

NATPE Budapest International will still take place at the InterContinental Hotel in Budapest, Hungary. Last year, the annual Marketplace, Screenings + Conference included attendees from 70+ countries, including more than 470 buyers and more than 160 promotional and production companies.

NATPE Streaming Plus is following up on a very successful inaugural event in Los Angeles, California last year, where it had major streaming players like CBS All Access, Hulu, Netflix, Pluto and YouTube all take the stage at the conference. The one-day event will again be held at the W Hollywood on the newly rescheduled date.

Lastly, NATPE Miami, the organization's annual tent-pole event will, as planned, take place January 19-21, 2021 at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami, Florida.

“Our first thoughts and prayers go to the NATPE community of those affected by this devastating crisis. From a business perspective, NATPE recognizes that the industry faces unprecedented marketplace challenges; we want to be part of the solution and bring to bear experiences that will help our constituency continue to do business to their fullest potential,” said JP Bommel, President and CEO of NATPE.

We want to be part of the solution and bring to bear experiences that will help our constituency continue to do business to their fullest potential” JP Bommel President and CEO of NATPE