2 JUN 2020


The country entered phase 2 and therefore people have permission to leave home, which led to a drop in television consumption, although the values of digital consumption remain.

2 JUN 2020

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During the lockdown period, Italians greatly increased television consumption but with the start of Phase 2 in the country, the values ​​are returning to normal levels. Instead, the digital space continues to grow at a rapid rate, becoming a consolidated habit for Italians, including Boomers, according to GfK data.

Data from GfK Sinottica® show that in the first weeks of the crisis and during the lockdown time in front of the television increased significantly: +18% compared to the period before the beginning of the epidemic. Italians turned to television for information on COVID-19, but also for long-term entertainment at home. Even more significant is the increase in television time among the youngest, with +24% of Generation Z between February 21 and May 3.

With Phase 2, however, things changed: since the GfK Sinottica® surveys in the first week of May, the time they spent in front of the television grew by +1% and in the second week by + 3%, returning almost to previous levels of Coronavirus emergence. A normalization of the habits of use that is probably due to the return to work of many people and, in general, to the possibility of leaving home. The trend is even more marked for Generation Z (14-24 years old) than in the second week of Phase 2 saw that the time spent watching television decreased by -3%.


Between smart work, distance learning, and video calling, during the lockdown, the digital world became an important part of everyday life for Italians. GfK Sinottica® data shows that time spent on digital tools has grown by +25% in the period from February 21 to May 3, 2020. People used digital tools to ask, buy, work, socialize, and also entertain, developing new habits that seem destined to continue even in Phase 2.

In fact, the time spent on all digital tools increased by +20 in the week between May 4 and 10 and +24 between May 11 and 17. This increase is also found in the more mature segments of the population, those who were less familiar with digital before the emergence of Coronavirus. For example, growth among Baby Boomers (55-74 years) was +26% in the first weeks of emergence and during the lockdown. Also, in this case, growth continues also in Phase 2, with + 24% in the week between May 11 and 17.