Premiered on March 23 on Star TV, the series is directed by Hilal Saral ('Endless Love,' 'Kuzey Güney,' 'Fatmagül,' and 'Forbidden Love'), and the script was written by Nuran Evren Şit ("Lady's Farm," "Matter of Respect," "Wounded Love," and "Atiye.")
The titles include "Matter Of Respect," "Forbidden Love," "Ruthless City," "Meryem," "Bidding Farewell," and "Gumus," all set to air in various regions, which include Ecuador, El Salvador, and Guatemala, among other countries.
It is a five-chapter miniseries and was produced by Pausoka. In addition, the distributor's portfolio includes “Get on my motorcycle” and “Ginayei”, “Maleducadas” as well as the Turkish dramas “Ladys farm” and “Matter of respect”.