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ACTF\ 2 DEC 2021


ACTF's "More Than This" teen drama will premiere on Paramount+ in Australia

The series was created by Olivia and co-created by Luka Gracie, an 18-year-old trans non-binary actor and filmmaker.
Fremantle\ 12 NOV 2021


Fremantle's "Anna" will launch in over 30 territories

Niccolò Ammaniti’s produced by Wildside and co-produced by ARTE France, will launch in over 30 countries and territories following various sales. The Disney-owned streaming service will air the title in multiple territories.
Albatross\ 15 SEP 2021


Albatross' wildlife documentaries awarded at the Green Screen Festival

"Wild Horses – A Tale From The Puszta"; "Vltava - River Of Gold" and "Africa's Wild Roommates - How Animals Share Bed And Board" received their prizes at the German nature film festival.
ITV Studios\ 8 SEP 2021

Trade Shows

ITV Studios' “The Perfect Picture” ranks third at 2021 AMMA Awards

The title received a bronze award as recognition for the collaborating team responsible for its creation, which include ITV, RTL Netherlands, AdAlliance and Canon Netherlands.
The Mobile Film Festival started a new partnership with the United Nations 30 AUG 2021


The Mobile Film Festival started a new partnership with the United Nations

The collaboration will select various filmmakers to follow its "1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film" approach in affiliation with United Nations campaigns.