The eight-part series will be produced by Lorenzo Mieli and The Apartment, together with Wildside, both part of the Fremantle group, and will be distributed by Fremantle.
With six chapters, the documentary contains interviews with victims and characters that explain the elevation and imprisonment of João de Deus, the most famous medium in Brazil.
The distributor also announces the release of "Prison" (3 x 60’) season two, available for presale for the first time at Content London this December, which gives viewers an inside look at the lives of incarcerated women.
The distribution company has secured exclusive, global, multimedia, animation rights to both “The Supernatural Academy” and “Supernatural Prison” book series. The all CG animation series will target females 16-34 years of age and launch in fall 2021.
The company has signed a number of licensing deals with multiple broadcasters for factual series originally commissioned by broadcasters in the UK, including “Prison Girls: Life Inside,” “Around the World by Train,” “Trucking Hell,” and more.