The reality format, originally created by Banijay Iberia label Zeppelin, will return to various broadcasters, including Channel 4, following various successful runs on HBO Max in the US and the UK.
Produced by RTVE, Diagonal TV (Banijay Iberia) and DeAPlaneta, in association with Netflix, the series will be directed by Joan Noguera and written by José Luis Martín.
Martín began his tenure at Banijay Iberia in 2019 within Banijay Birds, the territory’s creative hub for original streamer IP development, and has also served as executive producer on some standout local titles.
Banijay confirmed “Atrapa un millón” (The Money Drop) has been commissioned for a new run by Atresmedia after a seven-year hiatus. Gestmusic, a Banijay Iberia company, will once again produce the format.