The three-part 3D CGI animated short film, produced by Mr. Bug Studio in collaboration with Raúl Koler debuted on the large streaming platform on 15th September following several other deals secured by the distributor earlier this year.
Serving as the first collaboration between the companies, the eight-part supernatural thriller title is set to begin filming in Israel later this year as a co-production intended for distribution across all territories outside of Israel.
The title received a bronze award as recognition for the collaborating team responsible for its creation, which include ITV, RTL Netherlands, AdAlliance and Canon Netherlands.
The new TV Italian series was produced in collaboration with Rai Fiction and is also the first production in the world to have used a special sound recording technique, holophony.
The title, produced by Les Films in collaboration with Arte France and Versus Production, will be presented at Series Mania 2021 and Coming Next, held by TV France International.