The upcoming kids animated film tells the story of a regular family who are mistaken for a famous soccer team, by a pair of friendlies but bumbling aliens.
According to the new “Focus Asian Volume 1: Subscriptions” report by Horowitz Research, 6 in 10 (61%) Asian TV content viewers watch Asian-language content at least occasionally.
The offer includes the live action fantasy epic "Fight for FREEDOM", romantic feature "Rocco and Sjuul", live action family film "The Infinite Slime Movie" and the animated film series "Tummy Tom."
Hernán López, former CEO of Fox International Channels, was convicted on Thursday of paying tens of millions of dollars in bribes to nab broadcasting rights to the World Cup and other top soccer matches.
The 48th Pantene Golden Butterfly Awards event occurred on December 4 at a ceremony held at Zorlu Center in Istanbul, rewarding the best of Turkey’s television and music world.