Co-produced by Gruppo Alcuni and Rai Ragazzi, the animated series describes funny situations between Vlady the raccoon and his best friend Miró the bear, while they are getting ready to go into hibernation.
Leading Italian Group took part of Veneto Film Commission’s two-part event highlighting the children’s Art during the Coronavirus Lockdown and talking about animated new productions, "Leo Da Vinci 2", "Vlady&Mirò" and "Mini Cuccioli".
The leading Italian group will bring to global buyers new episodes of the hit series "Leo da Vinci" as well as the family-friendly slap-stick "Vlady & Mirò" and the series "Mini Pet Pals Start School".
The new family series is now available on Rai Play and will be airing on Rai YoYo in early February. "Vlady & Mirò" is a Gruppo Alcuni co-production with Rai Ragazzi and the support of the Veneto Region’s POR FESR.