The world’s most in-demand TV show of 2021 was the Japanese anime series “Attack on Titan,” while the most in-demand series debut, as well as the most in-demand “revolutionary” title, was Netflix’s “Squid Game”.
Parrot Analytics announced the new format and finalists for the 4th annual Global TV Demand Awards, and accompanying Virtual Festival hosted over three days on February 1-3, 2022.
Parrot Analytics, the global TV analytics firm, announced the winners for the third annual Global TV Demand Awards, as well as the Virtual Festival video series schedule.
Parrot Analytics has signed the TV personality to host the 2nd annual awards on January 21 at NATPE Miami. Joining Kressley as presenters will be actors Martin Kove, Hailie Sahar and Emily Swallow.
Parrot Analytics anunció que la personalidad televisiva será host de la segunda entrega anual de los premios, que se celebrarán el 21 de enero en NATPE. A él se unirán como presentadores los actores Martin Kove, Hailie Sahar y Emily Swallow.