Created and produced by Banijay Production Media, part of Banijay France, the show will sit as part of Banijay’s burgeoning 2024 portfolio of fresh IP. It will be released soon by France 2.
As part of the partnership, the rights to all IP created will sit with the leading global group and be available to its growing portfolio of production labels, and distribution engine Banijay Rights.
The Chief Content Officer, Development at Banijay, talks about the company's AI Creative Fund, a new opportunity for producers and labels across 21 territories to showcase ideas using technology and innovation.
Se propone apoyar a las mujeres emergentes creadoras de contenido de no ficción. Está orientado a descubrir e incubar talentos sin desarrollar, para apoyar a la próxima generación de creadoras de franquicias internacionales.
The company's slate of adventure, reality competition and factual non-scripted formats, which includes "The Summit, Rush and Shaolin Heroes," "Deal or No Deal Island" and "Buddy Games," will be presented at Mipcom 2023.