The first season of the animated series will air in Spain at the end of 2024, followed by the second season in 2025. The feature film will be released in 2026. The project already has the support of RTVE, À Punt, ICEC and ICAA in Spain,
La serie de origen hispano-argentina está siendo filmada en Colombia. Coproducida por Gloriamundi Producciones, Tandem Films, Debut y despedida y Mediabyte, será distribuida en todo el mundo por Filmax
The series, which has already been sold to Disney Star+ for Latin America, will begin filming next July; however, the script for the first episode is already available to buyers.
La serie, que ya ha sido vendida a Disney Star+ para Latinoamérica, iniciará su rodaje en julio próximo; no obstante, los compradores ya tienen a su disposición el guion del primer episodio.