The film is written by Jennifer Snow, directed by Colin Budds, and will be distributed by Nicely Entertainment worldwide excluding in Australia which will be done by Jaggi Entertainment.
It´s a Lifetime original starring Loni Anderson, Morgan Fairchild, Linda Gray, Donna Mills, and Nicollette Sheridan. Nicely will launch to international buyers the film at Cannes, LA Screenings, and NATPE Budapest.
The production and distribution company is set to land at Berlinale EFM with new titles and their new sub-label, 'Darkly Entertainment.' Some of these were deals within the framework of the last NATPE.
The production process for the sequel, distributed by Jaggi Entertainment in Australia and Nicely Entertainment in the US and worldwide, recently wrapped up in Brisbane, Queensland.
The company led by Ezequiel Olzanski has closed a new deal with A&E Ole Networks for seven movies, all from Nicely Entertainment catalog, the company led by Vanessa Shapiro.