The original series is slated to debut on Curiosity Stream and Curiosity Channel in Spring of 2022. The series invites selected con artists to a scientific institute where they are confronted with their crimes.
Filming has completed on a new documentary, “Lawless,” chronicling the horrific brutality and crimes committed in Germany during 1945-1949 as the country lay in ruins, following the end of World War II.
ZDF Enterprises is now the co-producer and global distributor for a new history series produced by World Media Rights for, which investigates the collapse of six of the world’s greatest civilizations.
ZDF Enterprises es ahora coproductor y distribuidor global de una nueva serie histórica producida por World Media Rights para que investiga el colapso de seis de las civilizaciones más grandes del mundo.
La serie documental 3x50' más un especial de 50' fue producida para y ZDF Enterprises y arroja luz sobre las semanas apocalípticas antes del final de la guerra en Europa.