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The channel has chosen “Zoom In”, an exciting dive into the production of the hottest movies and “Director’s Short Cut” that shows the greatest film directors sharing their most fascinating stories and exclusive anecdotes.
The cinema series will travel to Pan African region and this new deal marks over 10 years of successful partnership between the Chinese network and PRIME.
Prior to DISCOP Johannesburg 2019, the group inked the renewal of more than 150 hours of programs with its longtime partner Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, a historical broadcaster of Mauritius Island.
The cable and satellite channel bought a package of over 300 episodes of celebrity and movie related programs from Prime Entertainment Group, including “Hollywood’s Best Film Directors”; “Stars!” and “Zoom In”.
El canal de cable y satélite compró más de 300 episodios de programas relacionados con celebridades y películas, incluidos los de "Hollywood Best Film Director", "Stars!" Y "Zoom in" que se emitirán en Centro América y Asia.