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Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/senalnews/public_html/objetos/clsListadoNotas.php on line 746 Noticias de ard-degeto en Señal News
Shooting is set for October 2024 for the eight new episodes, which are based on Volker Kutschers fifth novel The March Fallen, pending the approval of the ARD committees. The title has been sold to more than 140 territories and has celebrated a sweeping success all over the world with more than 94 million digital views on Germany’s ARD Mediathek alone.
The drama series, produced by Komplizen Serien, Studiocanal Series, Wdr And Ard Degeto for Ard, Canal+ France And Canal+ Austria, will be shown in the ARD Mediathek and the German broadcasting station “Das Erste” at the end of 2024.
The 40-hour series, sold by Beta to more than 140 territories, has garnered success all over the world with more than 55 million digital views on Germany’s ARD mediathek alone.
The high-profile 6-part thriller series is a co-production between Odeon Fiction, ARD Degeto, NRK Norway and MIA Film. Shooting is currently underway in Spitsbergen, Munich and Prague.