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Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/senalnews/public_html/objetos/clsListadoNotas.php on line 746 Noticias de rtl-netherlands en Señal News
The commission follows the huge success of "The Political Assembly" on VTM in Belgium where it reached a phenomenal average marketshare of 49.6% (18-44, consolidated) in the weeks before the national elections. The show is created and produced by Bargoens, led by well-known and renowned TV-maker Eric Goens.
The title received a bronze award as recognition for the collaborating team responsible for its creation, which include ITV, RTL Netherlands, AdAlliance and Canon Netherlands.
Como resultado del incremento de la demanda del contenido, los programas llegarán a África, Australia, Bélgica, Brasil, Francia, Holanda, Nueva Zelandia, los países Nórdicos, Portugal, Inglaterra y los Estados Unidos.
As a result of increasing demands, the company's new content will reach Africa, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Nordics, Portugal, the UK, and the United States.