Annecy MIFA 2024: French animation distributor Moon Keys International Content to enter the international market

The 2023-founded company aims to invest in 2 to 3 series and 2 to 3 feature-length animated films, which will be primarily French, but also include international projects.

31 MAY 2024

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French distribution company Moon Keys International Content (MKIC), founded in 2023 and led by Boris Hertzog (Lift Value, OuiDO Group) and focused on the international sale of animated feature films and TV series, has announced its plans to enter the international market. By 2024, the company’s objective is to invest in 2 to 3 series and 2 to 3 feature-length animated films, which will be primarily French, but also include international projects. The company then aims to participate in the distribution and financing of 5 series and 5 feature films per year, with a view to diversifying genres and audiences.

The company stated that it is committed to being a close partner for the production companies and support at every stage of their projects: In addition to the traditional minimum guarantee, MKIC explained it can also provide financial support for development for the project it will later distribute, as well as investing in co-productions bringing finance and the know-how of its team. It also explained that it can help finalize financing plans by negotiating pre-sales in specific territories. “Our mission is to be a key player in the field of animation by fully devoting ourselves to the development and marketing of original works and intellectual properties,” explained Boris Hertzog.

To found MKIC, Boris Hertzog brought together a group of financial shareholders, including Lift Value (a holding company owned by Boris Hertzog and Gilbert Saada), Movie One (an investment fund managed by Calao Finance) and CYD Partners (a family holding company managed by Yvan Depierre).

Moreover, the company recently welcomed Isabelle Aghina as Director of Distribution and Acquisitions – TV Series. With a career at Saban International, Disney, VizMedia, Lagardère, Marathon and Mediawan, she has contributed to the international success of series such as “Miraculous…”. The executive will be working closely with Yvan Depierre (former CFO of Apple France), COO; Benoît Pierre, Head of Development; Candice Baudet, Head of Partnerships; and Clémentine Mellier, Head of Communications and Marketing.

MKIC has forged partnerships with players such as OuiDO Productions and others, and is already involved in the development of 4 animated series and 2 features, with new announcements to be made soon. The distribution company has also initiated several discussions with producers to support their feature and series projects.