Armoza Formats, part of ITV Studios, has announced the commission and start of shooting for police drama “Street Justice” in Russia. The local adaptation will feature 11 episodes on NTV and will be produced by KIT Film Studio (part of the KIT GPM as part of Gazprom Media).
The original Israeli series, which aired on Channel 10 in Israel, achieved high ratings and was a leader in its time slot. In fact, it was called “the best Israeli police drama ever” by the Israeli TV Guide.
Created by Artza Productions Ltd, Amir Mann, Dafna Prenner and Shai Eines, “Street Justice” (60’) blurs the lines between legality and justice in a series packed with non-stop action, explosive stunts, gun fights, gritty crimes, car crashes, and dangerous romance. The show stars a hot-headed police detective whose job is to clean up the streets.
“We are thrilled that our friends at NTV and KIT Film Studio are adapting the highly-acclaimed Israeli drama ‘Street Justice’ for Russian audiences. With its character-based premise of the rule-breaking hero, this crime drama is full of suspense and intrigue, providing a strong pull for viewers,” said Avi Armoza, CEO of Armoza Formats.
With its character-based premise of the rule-breaking hero, this crime drama is full of suspense and intrigue, providing a strong pull for viewers” Avi Armoza CEO of Armoza Formats