ATV’s drama series “Hercai” debuted for the US Hispanic audiences through Telemundo on June 22 and reached 1.3 million viewers with its first episode.

5 JUL 2021

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ATV’s drama series “Hercai” debuted for the US Hispanic audiences through Telemundo on June 22 and reached 1.3 million viewers with its first episode. The Turkish series, locally presented as “Hercai: Amor y venganza,” is already quite popular with Spanish-speaking audiences, as it has been licensed to 46 countries globally. Latin American countries which have aired this title include Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Puerto Rico and Panama.

From the very first episode “Hercai” aired on local television, the drama has become a hit, not only locally but also globally now with its new season. The show is also successful on social media, where it has already been crowned as the most mentioned drama.

Produced by MIA Yapim and distributed by ATV Distribution, the drama stars Akin Akinözü and Ebru Sahin, and the story is about Mirán, a mysterious man who appears in the life of Reyyan, a young woman from a wealthy and very powerful family. When she falls in love, things do not go as expected, as there is a dark motive behind everything.