The series is produced by Vela Film and RTI, and its first episode achieved 4 million viewers with an audience share of 15.3%. The average share of all series was 3.5 million viewers.

20 JUL 2020

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Mediaset series’ “The Silence of Water” (Il Silenzio dell’Acqua) will be broadcasted next Sunday, August 9 in prime time by France 3. The thriller drama was sold by Mediaset Distribution and was a Canale 5 hit last season.

The story is focused on the disappearance of a teenager, Laura Mancini, the starting point of an investigation that will highlight the mysteries of a small coastal village near Trieste. The local police inspector, a familiar face for his fellow townsfolk, starts to investigate the girl’s disappearance. But when during a sea search the poor girl’s body is found in the water, a homicide detective from the nearest town is sent to lead the investigation. The work of the two detectives soon exposes the dark side and hidden secrets which lurk behind the respectable facade of the village people. No one is quite as they seem, and everybody appears to be involved in the case.

The series (4 x100’ episodes) is produced by Vela Film and RTI. The first episode achieved 4 million viewers with an audience share of 15.3%. The average share of all series was 3.5 million viewers.

Season two has been already produced and will be aired by Canale 5 next Autumn. The new season was filmed in Trieste and Slovenia and new characters have been introduced, but the two celeb cops composed by Ambra Angiolini and Giorgio Pasotti are still investigating in new murders ‘cases.

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