The show will debut on Mediengruppe RTL’s SVOD platform, after a partnership between CBS and Syrreal Entertainment. CBS Studios has remake and other rights for the series, with ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group, set to handle distribution outside German territories

22 MAR 2021

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CBS Studios has ordered the dark comedy series "ZE Network" through its television agreement with Syrreal Entertainment. The show will debut on TVNOW, Mediengruppe RTL’s subscription video on demand platform in Germany.“Today, with all this wonderful entertainment, it becomes harder than ever to keep things interesting, so we will try to surprise people with this show," Syrreal CEO SIgi Kamml, who also serves as producer of the series,' said."ZE Network' is a series with an outstanding cast and a very unusual story. I am delighted that TVNOW and CBS Studios see the potential of this project.”

CBS Studios has remake and other rights for the series, with ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group, set to handle distribution outside German territories. With a base in Germany, the companies' partnership will consist of sourcing, acquiring, and developing premium scripted content for the global market. The Berlin-based production company is headed by Christian Alvart and Sigi Kamml. “Syrreal Entertainment is a known home for character-driven, provocative storytelling, and we are so pleased to be partnering with Christian, Sigi, and their team as they create new series for the global audience,” Meghan Lyvers, Senior Vice President of International Co-Productions and Development, CBS Studios said.

Besides creating the story, Alvart will also serve as Director. Kamml, Alvart, and Timm Oberwelland will contribute as series producers. Hasselhoff will serve as an executive producer on the show."“I’m thrilled to find myself working with partners who are ready to bring a wild, surprising and unique concept just like this into the entertainment world,” Alvart added. “I can’t wait to share with audiences the crazy ride Mr. Hasselhoff will be bravely taking on with Ze Germans.” 

"ZE Network" is a fictional story of Hollywood actor David Hasselhoff’s new lead role in a German play, which showcases conspiracies related to former cold war assassins. Hasselhoff’sluck in the reality surrounding him begins to plummet. German actor Henry Hübchen will star as a version of himself. "ZE NETWORK promises to be an entertaining, genre-bending series that is tailor-made for David Hasselhoff to star. In a time where audiences crave escapism and fun, we are thrilled to support this series with our partners at Syrreal and TVNOW," Lyvers said.

Today, with all this wonderful entertainment, it becomes harder than ever to keep things interesting, so we will try to surprise people with this show. ZE Network' is a series with an outstanding cast and a very unusual story. I am delighted that TVNOW and CBS Studios see the potential of this project.” Sigi Kaml CEO, Syrreal