This program supports the predevelopment of television series in the fiction, documentary, youth, and animation genres, in French, adapted from Québec literary works.

18 JUN 2020

Valerie Creighton, President and CEO at CMF

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The Canada Media Fund (CMF) and Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) have launched of a new program to support Québec TV series producers, titled the Pre-development Funding Program for TV Series Based on Québec Literary Adaptations.

This program supports the pre-development of television series in the fiction, documentary, youth, and animation genres, in French, adapted from Québec literary works. Funding will enable companies to mobilize the expertise needed for the predevelopment of one or more projects that have not yet received the support of a broadcaster, distributor, or development funding, and to encourage the financial commitment of partners in the subsequent development and production phases.

The new program is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Québec TV production companies on national and international markets and to foster the production of high-level Québec intellectual properties.

The CMF and SODEC invite interested parties to consult the program guidelines here. Applications for funding under this program may be submitted on SODEC’s secure digital filing portal, SOD@ccès. The SOD@ccès User Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to file your application on the platform. Note that the program number in SOD@ccès is 20-12-03.

The SOD@ccès online portal will be open as of June 17, 2020 to receive applications. The deadline for filing is July 27, 2020.

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