The latest daily drama series produced by Karamel Yapim was sold to Bosnia, Romania, Israel, Serbia and Montenegro, and Albania.

17 DEC 2020


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Eccho Rights has reached deals across Eastern Europe and the Middle East for "Legacy", the latest Turkish Drama series from Karamel Yapim, a company gaining a great reputation for high-quality daily series in Turkey.

The series, which currently airs daily on Kanal 7 in Turkey, has just launched on OBN in Bosnia. It will also air on Achla TV in Israel, Happy Channel in Romania, Pink in Serbia and Montenegro, and TV Klan in Albania.

“Karamel Yapim has been behind some great international hits, with 'prisoner Of Love' and 'the Promise' both running for three seasons that continue to sell well around the world,” says Handan Özkubat, Director of Turkish Drama at Eccho Rights. “'legacy' is continuing in this fine tradition and shows that there is a continued hunger for long-running daily drama series from Turkey.”

"Legacy" is the story of Yusuf, an innocent little boy whose future is at the heart of a bitter struggle between two families.