Set in a fishing village on the Spanish island of Lanzarote, this new show called “Playa Negra” follows newcomer Hugo (Miguel Bernardeau) in his quest to get close to the man he suspects is his father.

23 JUL 2020

Miguel Ángel Bernardeau

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Gaumont, the studio behind the Netflix hit drama series “Narcos” and the Amazon Prime Video Original “El Presidente,” partnered with Madrid’s Grupo Ganga to develop a new 8x60’ drama series called “Playa Negra”. The series stars Miguel Bernardeau, from Netflix’s global hit teen drama “Élite,” and it is spearheaded creatively by Spanish filmmaker Susana Casares.

Set in a fishing village on the Spanish island of Lanzarote, “Playa Negra” follows newcomer Hugo (Miguel Bernardeau) in his quest to get close to the man he suspects is his father. In the process, he befriends a tight-knit group of teens who dream of making it big in Lanzarote’s competitive surfing scene, and together become unwittingly embroiled in the island’s darkest secrets.

“Alongside Susana and Grupo Ganga, we have created a concept that young adult audiences everywhere will identify with as they immerse themselves in not only the beauty of the location and the thrill of the sport but also the complexities facing the characters throughout series. ‘Playa Negra’ combines the coming-of-age theme with elements of suspense as it constructs a complex account of the contemporary human experience. The series is filled with authenticity, commitment and sensitivity without sacrificing fun, humor and emotion,”  said Christian Gabela, SVP, Creative Executive, Head of Latin American and Spain at Gaumont.

Miguel Ángel Bernardeau, CEO of Grupo Ganga, added: "We are very proud of our team's work on this project. ‘Playa Negra’ has all the ingredients to leave a deep impression on an international audience. Lanzarote, an island that we call home, is the most beautiful of all settings, with the power of its waves and volcanic landscape as a source of inspiration. We are creating an unforgettable gallery of characters, in plots where mystery and passion run hand in hand. It is a true honor to be partnering with Gaumont on this project. It’s further proof that the worldwide success of television series is not a product of chance, but of the combined efforts of our talented professionals”.

'Playa Negra' has all the ingredients to leave a deep impression on an international audience” Miguel Ángel Bernardeau CEO of Grupo Ganga