ITV Studios continues the global expansion of "I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!." The jungle version of the popular format has been acquired by MTV in Finland and will be produced by ITV Studios Finland. “We have been interested in the ‘Celebrity’ for many years and now we have together with ITV found the best production model for the Finnish market,” Head of Domestic Productions, MTV Hanna Kortti, said.“We believe together with ITV Studios Finland that we have in our hands a new long-lasting reality giant on all our platforms, especially on avod.”
The sale was announced shortly after the commissioning of the show by TNT in Russia, the return in Romania after a seven-year break, and the confirmation that in the UK the forthcoming 21st series will return to the historic Gwrych Castle, Abergele in North Wales.
The Finnish version is expected to air in the Spring next year on multiple platforms; the linear channel MTV3, and also on its AVOD channel MTV and SVOD CMore. “Our aim here at MTV, as the leading commercial channel in Finland, is to launch locally the most popular and exciting formats globally," ‘Kortti said.
In "I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!" a cast of celebrities swap their lavish lifestyle to compete in an interactive game show in the heart of a remote jungle. The celebs compete for food in a set of intense challenges. If they fail, they go hungry. "I’m a Celebrity…' is undoubtedly one of the most successful formats in the world, and it is our great pleasure to finally bring the local version of this juggernaut format to the Finnish audience," Kortti said.
We have been interested in the ‘Celebrity’ for many years and now we have together with ITV found the best production model for the Finnish market. We believe together with ITV Studios Finland that we have in our hands a new long-lasting reality giant on all our platforms, especially on avod.” Hanna Kortti Head of Domestic Productions, MTV