NBCuniversal Formats and Showmax revealed details the cast members selected for its title, "The Real Housewives of Lagos."“As an African brand, showcasing and telling African stories is at the core of our content production, so we are excited to be partnering with NBCUniversal Formats to bring 'The Real Housewives of Lagos' to our subscribers," Candice Fangueiro, Head of Content, Showmax Africa said. "'The Real Housewives of Durban,' now in its second season, has smashed viewing records and delighted fans. Our Nigerian subscribers are in for a treat with the local edition.”
Produced by Livespot 360, The Real Housewives of Lagos will be available exclusively on Showmax in more than 40 African countries from 8 April 2022, with new episodes every Friday. Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Durban is currently streaming on Showmax, with new episodes every Friday. Serving as the first Nigerian installment of the award-winning franchise, the title will be distributed internationally by NBCUniversal Formats. This also marks the 16th international version of The Real Housewives format and the third African adaptation, following the success of The Real Housewives of Johannesburg and Durban on Showmax.
The latest installment of "The Real Housewives" franchise will follow the opulent lives of six of the most glamourous women in Lagos, Nigeria. Carolyna Hutchings is the CEO of Hutchings Limited, a real estate, oil and gas, and agriculture company. She is also the founder of Hopeville Foundation, an NGO that caters to women and children. Laura Ikeji is a social media influencer, author, and entrepreneur. Ikeji is a mother of two and is married to former Super Eagles star Christopher Kanu.
Chioma Ikokwu is a lawyer as well as co-founder and CEO of luxury hair brand Good Hair Ltd. and Brass and Copper Restaurant & Lounge. She also runs women and a children-focused charity called the Goodway Foundation. Toyin Lawani is a renowned celebrity stylist, fashion designer, business mogul, and CEO of Tiannah’s Place Empire. She is a mother of three super-talented kids and is married to musician and creative photographer, Segun Wealth.
Iyabo Ojo is a famous Nollywood actress, producer, TikTok sensation, brand influencer, entrepreneur and CEO of Fepris Limited, and a mother of two. Mariam Timmer is a PR expert and chief executive director at Six Sixteen Agency. She's also the creative director of online retail fashion company Lure Fashion Limited, as well as an online content creator, YouTuber, and entrepreneur. Timmer is mum to a beautiful daughter and wife to John Timmer. In true Lagos style, the Housewives will be serving up all the high fashion, luxury, drama, and power move the franchise has come to be known and loved for globally.
As an African brand, showcasing and telling African stories is at the core of our content production, so we are excited to be partnering with NBCUniversal Formats to bring 'The Real Housewives of Lagos' to our subscribers. 'The Real Housewives of Durban,' now in its second season, has smashed viewing records and delighted fans. Our Nigerian subscribers are in for a treat with the local edition.” Candice Fangueiro Head of Content, Showmax Africa