Paramount+ started production for the second season of its original series “Cecilia”. The story is a Viacom International Studios’ (VIS) production in association with Oficina Burman, a The Mediapro Studio company. Created by Daniel Burman, the series is written by Juan Matías Carballo, Olfa Masmoudi, Andrea Ortega Lee and Daniel Burman, and directed by Kenya Márquez.
The series stars Mariana Treviño and a cast that includes Marimar Vega, Erik Hayser, Michell Brown, Martín Altomaro, Mariana Zaragoza y Mónica Ayos. The first season was honored with Silver for Best Screenplay at the New York Festivals® TV & Film Awards, one of the most prestigious international awards in the industry.
The second season finds Cecilia and her family facing a catastrophic situation: an fire destroyed their dreams of reopening the family bakery. Cecilia once again is at the center of her dysfunctional family’s problems. Tired of the toxic relationships surrounding her, Cecilia decides that, once they collect the insurance money, she will divide it amongst her family so they can make their own way in life and not have to depend on her anymore.