10 DEC 2020


The fund is dedicated to the partial coverage of the losses suffered by cinemas based in Lazio due to the pandemic, which hit the entire sector.

10 DEC 2020

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Regione Lazio has announced a refreshment fund of 1.7 million euros to support Italian cinemas. This amount is dedicated to the partial coverage of the losses suffered by cinemas based in Lazio due to the pandemic, which hit the entire sector (together with the theater and the entertainment in general, the most damaged by the impact of the health emergency), despite the containment of infections.

Among the requisites required to obtain the grant is the presence on the regional territory of both the legal or operational headquarters and the cinema, being regularly registered in the register of companies and having accrued a certain number of days of public in 2019 entertainment: 240 for cinemas located in the territory of Roma Capitale, 180 in the other provincial capitals and 100 in the other municipalities of Lazio.

Without prejudice to the maximum contribution of 60 thousand euros in total for each room, a portion of it will be determined by the number of days the cinema is open from 24 August to 25 October 2020: 4 thousand euros from 0 to 10 days of opening; 6,500 euros from 11 to 25 days; 7,500 euros from 26 to 40 days; 10,500 euros from 41 opening days onwards. In addition, for theaters that have registered at least 11 opening days, an additional 5% will be paid, calculated on the loss of gross receipts for the period from 1 October to 31 December 2020 in relation to the same period of 2019.

After the Bando Affitti Cinema – which had repaid a portion of the lease for the months of March, April and May – Regione Lazio intervened again in support of the economy and regional identity, through the granting of non-repayable grants for to theaters, cinemas, cultural and social promotion associations and to amateur sports associations and clubs in Lazio.

The measures provide, in fact, an extraordinary contribution of 8 million euros in total, divided as follows: 1.3 million for theaters, 1.7 million for cinemas, 4 million for cultural associations and Aps and 2 million for associations and companies sports.