“The Summer Hikaru Died” manga adaptation will premiere on Netflix

Based on the comic by winning author Mokumokuren, the animation series will be produced by CygamesPictures and will be coming soon to Netflix globally.

28 NOV 2024

“The Summer Hikaru Died”

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Japanese entertainment company CyberAgent announced the television anime of up-and-coming award-winning author Mokumokuren's “The Summer Hikaru Died” will be produced by CygamesPictures and will be coming soon to Netflix globally.

Based on the comic “The Summer Hikaru Died” by Mokumokuren, “The Summer Hikaru Died” is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, Yoshiki, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who imitates his best friend Hikaru Indou.

The animation will be directed by Ryohei Takeshita known as the director of “Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night” and CygamesPictures will be handling the animation production for the series.

Ryohei Takeshita said: "When I first read the original work, I remember reading the pages with excitement, wondering what kind of expression I should use to express the frames of the original story in the animation. The entire staff has been working earnestly on the original work in order to skillfully animate not only the delicate emotions of Yoshiki and Hikaru, two young boys struggling to understand each other, but also the beautiful and innovative manga structure, so please look forward to the release."