The current Managing Director of Mediawan Rights will also head LS Distribution, following the departure of Emmanuelle Bouilhaguet, effective at the end of the month. The two entities will continue to operate autonomously until further notice.

28 JAN 2021

Valérie Vleeschhouwer

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Valérie Vleeschhouwer, Managing Director of Mediawan Rights, will also head LS Distribution, following the departure of Emmanuelle Bouilhaguet, effective at the end of the month. The two entities will continue to operate autonomously until further notice.

“I fully trust Valérie to continue developing LS Distribution’s business in parallel with Mediawan Rights. Emmanuelle has turned LS Distribution into a reference in the market across Europe. We warmly thank her for everything she brought to the Group and wish her many successes in her future projects,”  said Pierre-Antoine Capton, Chairman of the Board of Mediawan.

Valérie Vleeschhouwer graduated from ESC Bordeaux and ESCP, and began her career at Deloitte & Touche then at Pathé Distribution, before joining Groupe AB in 1996 where she became Deputy CEO. After the acquisition of Groupe AB by Mediawan in 2017, she took the head of Mediawan Rights, in charge of distribution and the implementation of international coproductions.

With Mediawan Rights, LS Distribution and Telmondis Distribution, Mediawan is one of the biggest players in Europe for the distribution and international co-production of content, with a diverse catalogue containing about 20,000 hours of programming.