ZDF Enterprises has partnered with Story House Productions, ZDF, and Arte on a ground-breaking new series that delves deep into the biggest crimes in history. “Developing this series has been an exciting journey with each episode unraveling a mystery,” Ralf Rueckauer, Vice-President ZDFE.unscripted, said.
ZDF Enterprises is the global distributor for the film, which will be produced by Story House this fall. "It’s been fascinating to see modern-day forensics at work dispelling age-old theories, particularly in the case of Marilyn Monroe, where we have unearthed new evidence and testimony,” Rueckauer said.
The six-part series takes a close look at some of the most infamous murders of all time, taking viewers into the past with superb recreations of the crime. Among the featured cases is the Medici Case, where two sons are slain in a power struggle, and going back even further in time, 3,000 years ago, when Ramses III was violently killed by his kin.
From the brutal murder of Pharoah Ramses III to the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe, “Cold Case: History” reinvestigates long-forgotten cases using state-of-the-art forensics and archeological methods. The series also analyzes the death of prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt in 1957, found hanged in her luxury apartment.
Developing this series has been an exciting journey with each episode unraveling a mystery. ” Ralf Rueckauer Vice-President, Unscripted, ZDFE