2 SEP 2024

Latin America: 70% of Gamers Show Positive Attitude Towards Advertising

Data from Comscore demonstrates the exponential growth of the sector in the region and the opportunities it represents for businesses and brands.

2 SEP 2024

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The gaming market value in Latin America is approximately $10 billion, with around 8% of gamers and revenue from the global total, according to Comscore. The sector’s growth has been partly supported by the development of internet connection infrastructure, particularly the increase in bandwidth speed.

For brands and companies, gaming offers a dynamic and constantly evolving channel for advertising and monetization. Depending on the type of device chosen or the level of participation in the gaming universe, companies have the opportunity to reach diverse and engaged audiences in innovative and effective ways, which contributes to brand presence, improves perception, and enhances engagement with consumers.

According to respondents interviewed by Comscore, over 70% of gamers show a positive attitude towards advertising. When well executed, advertising, unlike in other media, does not interrupt the player’s experience but rather enhances it (e.g., giving more lives, granting powers, advancing levels) and encourages continued play.

It is estimated that the average gaming time ranges between 2 and 4 hours daily, with a tendency to increase, making exposure to advertising stimuli longer than in any other medium. The quality of attention is also superior, as most games require concentration on the screen and the continuous exploration of elements that appear.

The quality of engagement is higher than in other audiovisual media, as it naturally integrates into people’s daily lives. It generates intense emotions and feelings (joy, excitement, pleasure, frustration, anger, aggressiveness, rivalry) in a socially accepted environment. It accompanies for prolonged periods without being intrusive. It can be combined with other activities or roles of the individual in various moments or situations.

Through the cross-referencing of information from different sources related to the target, it is possible to achieve precise targeting of new digital profiles and the creation of "tribes" that gather around common interests, with a sense of belonging and community, allowing for greater personalization and participation in their communities.

In this sense, Comscore explains that, to maximize their impact, brands must enter the user experience honestly, aiming to enhance the gaming experience without interrupting it, and, in that context, express the brand message.

Another crucial aspect is understanding and respecting gamer culture. Brands need to understand the motivations, tastes, preferences, and attitudes of the player as a gamer, not just as a consumer of a specific category or product. In relation to this, the gaming universe values creativity and originality, inviting brands to explore new ways of interacting with players. Creating exclusive content for gaming not only demonstrates genuine interest in the community but also allows for building a deeper and more meaningful narrative around the brand.

Finally, it is vital for brands to assimilate the continuous change in the gaming world. The integration of emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how users interact with digital content, offering more immersive and personalized experiences. Adapting to these emerging trends is crucial to staying relevant in the gamer community.

The gaming universe in Latin America not only represents a significant economic opportunity but also a vibrant and constantly evolving space where brands can establish authentic and lasting connections with their audiences. Leveraging this potential requires more than just placing ads; it involves genuinely integrating into the gaming experience, respecting gamer dynamics and culture. As the sector continues to expand and adapt to new technologies, brands that successfully understand and accompany this evolution will be better positioned to capture the attention and loyalty of an increasingly diverse and engaged audience. With creative, authentic, and technologically advanced strategies, gaming is shaping up to be a fundamental pillar in future advertising strategies.