Netflix announced an original documentary series based on “Sharing the Wisdom of Time." The docu-series is set to be released worldwide on the streaming platform in 2021.
The documentary series, inspired by the award-winning book written by Pope Francis, was created by Simona Ercolani and produced by Stand By Me, partner of Asacha Media Group. The book was edited by Father Antonio Spadaro and first published by Loyola Press in the United States.
The four-part series talks about tales told by elders, in which they highlight their living occurences and treasures that should be rediscovered and told through the eyes of the younger generation. Women and men over age 70 from all around the world will journey with and tell their extraordinary stories to talented young filmmakers under the age of 30 who are from the same country. The elders share diverse experiences representing various ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and religions, while still remembering the common qualities every person holds as a human being.
The docu-series will feature Francis through an exclusive interview, offering his particular point of view. His admiration for the tale collection and the elders are reflected in the show. “The elderly have wisdom," Francis said in the book. "They are entrusted with a great responsibility: to transmit their life experience, their family history, the history of a community, of a people."