Netflix, SEGA of America, Inc., and WildBrain announced a new animated Sonic the Hedgehog series, "Sonic Prime," set to premiere worldwide in 2022 as Sonic Prime celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.“Sonic the Hedgehog is a global entertainment icon that has captivated audiences since its video game debut in 1991," Ivo Gerscovich, Chief Brand Officer at SEGA said. "With over 1.14 billion game units sold and downloaded to date, an exciting feature film, a robust licensing program, and more, SEGA’s iconic hedgehog continues to surprise and delight audiences worldwide. We’re thrilled to partner with WildBrain, Man of Action Entertainment, and Netflix to speed into this new, animated chapter in the Sonic franchise.”
The 24-episode animated show displays the brand and features from the “Blue Blur” video game. Sonic’s adventure is about more than a race to save the universe, it’s a journey of self-discovery.“Sonic is a beloved character and holds a special place in everyone's heart including my own," Dominique Bazay, Director of Original Animation, Netflix said. "I spent many hours with the blue blur as a kid and it's a privilege to be able to bring this character everyone knows and loves on a brand new adventure with Netflix, one that a generation of loyal fans and brand new fans around the world can enjoy.”
The series will be animated at WildBrain’s Vancouver studio, and SEGA and WildBrain will contribute to the production, distribution, and licensing.“With generations of devoted fans around the world, Sonic the Hedgehog is more popular today than ever before, and we’re thrilled to be partnering with Netflix, SEGA, and Man of Action to deliver all-new Sonic adventures for audiences worldwide," Josh Scherba, President, WildBrain said. "This premium franchise is ideally suited to WildBrain’s capabilities and it’s already inspiring great things from our talented creative teams. We’ve witnessed first-hand the enduring popularity of this brand from the strong and steady global demand for our library of legacy Sonic series. We look forward now to bringing fresh and exciting Sonic content to fans both new and old.”
Sonic Prime target audiences betweent he ages 6-11. In 2020, the theatrical feature "Sonic the Hedgehog," gained the number one spot on opening weekend and remained on top globally for weeks while breaking domestic box office records. Producers SEGA Sammy and Paramount Pictures have announced a sequel to the feature is in development.